Your Question’s Answered by Family Court Lawyer in Lucknow

What is the time limit to file null and void when the parties are married under the Special Marriage Act? What is Null and void? According to The Indian Constitution and Family Court Lawyer in Lucknow, A spouse can file an application for a declaration to declare his or her marriage with his husband or her wife as null and void on the ground that, at the time of their marriage, the first marriage of the respondent with his first wife or first husband was subsisting. On the allegation that the other spouse has committed a fraud and suppressed the material fact of his or her first marriage. If a spouse suppressed his or her first marriage which is still subsisting at the time of second marriage, then the aggrieved party can file an application to declare null and void within a period of one year when such fraud came to known to him or her. You can also hire a Family Court Lawyer in Lucknow . The null and void would fall within Section 25 of the Special Marriage Act and to declar...