Best Family Court Lawyers in Lucknow

Is legal aid available for going to the Family Court? In Care of Children Act cases, legal aid is available for those situations where you are allowed to have the Advocates in Lucknow High Court represent you and appear with you in court. In other situations, you can get background legal help from a lawyer from the free Family Legal Advice Service, if your income is below a certain amount (the income limits are the same as for the free Family Dispute Resolution service. Legal aid isn’t available for dissolution of marriage (divorce). Legal aid is available for all other types of Family Court cases, if you qualify for it. If I can’t have a lawyer represent me, who can help me? Although the situations when a lawyer can represent you in Care of Children Act cases are limited, this doesn’t stop you having the Family Court Lawyers in Lucknow to work for you in the background by giving you legal advice, preparing documents for you, and negotiating for you against the other pa...