Divorce Law in India

Divorce is one of the most difficult phases of life that a married couple goes through. In India, since divorce is a personal matter, it is connected with religion. The Hindu Marriage Act,1955 governs the divorce for the Jains, Sikhs, Hindus, and Buddhists. You can click here to check Criminal Lawyer in Lucknow also for criminal cases in India. The divorce laws of Muslims are governed by the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act,1939, the Parsis by Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act,1936, and Christians are governed by the Indian Divorce Act,1869. All inter-community marriages are governed by the Special Marriages Act,1954. How to File a Divorce in India In case a couple wants a divorce then they have to follow the following steps: The couple will have to hire a lawyer first so that he can provide them with all the details. A petition will be filed in the court by the lawyer. A copy of the petition will be then sent to the spouse. The spouse could either agree to divorce...